Need Better Reporting?

Custom Reports For Keap / Infusionsoft

Work with us to build the reports you need with the data available from the Keap API. Our process is simple. We meet via GotoMeeting and spec out the reports you need.  Once we have the requirements, we build, deploy, test, and tweak the report as needed. All reports are hosted on ReportMojo and automatically updated every night, or on-demand when you need them.

Automated Custom Reports

Lets hop on a call and spec out a report that you need built.

Expert Development

We'll develop, test, and deploy it to our reporting server for you to access.

Reports Built Within 5 Days

Setup automated report delivery via email to your team for easy access.

Watch the demo

ReportMojo Walk Through Video 

Watch a short video on ReportMojo and how it can help you if you're using Keap / Infusionsoft.

Access these pre-built reports today

Setup is fully automated. When finished, you will have access to all of these reports.

New Leads and Customers

Lead to Conversion ROI

How long does it take for a lead to become a customer?
This report is a quick way to see how well you are nurturing your leads. Do leads purchase immediately, or do they take their time?
Great way to see overall percentage of customers who convert quickly vs who take their time.
Lead to Conversion ROI

Subscription Performance Over Time

Subscription Stick Rate

How well is your subscription program doing? How many active members did you have last year, compared to this year?
In what time frame does someone cancel? For the people who are active, how long have they been active members?
This report has a lot of other stats as well related to churn and retention. Of course you can calculate these stats many different ways, but this report is already built and easily accessible today.

Revenue Generated from Invoices

Revenue Growth

How much revenue is coming from paid invoices? How much is unpaid?
Refunds are excluded from this report, as we normally like to think in terms of NET revenue.
Revenue is broken out yearly, quarterly, and weekly to easily visualize revenue growth.
Most reports through Keap will include all revenue even if it has not been collected yet. With ReportMojo, we can build out reports to your specification and handle refunds and credits the way you want to handle it.

Forecast Future Subscription Revenue

Upcoming Subscription Payments

How many subscriptions are going to be billed this month? How much money does that represent?
If any payments show up in the past, then likely their billing information is no longer valid and they are not being charged. This is a great report to use to clean up your subscriptions.
Filter the report for specific subscription programs and break them out by Product and Billing Frequency.

Monthly - Paid / Unpaid / Refunded

Monthly Sales Snapshot

This is a simple monthly view of your sales and customers.
View Refunds, Paid, and Unpaid orders. 
Track the $ paid per customer on a monthly basis with this report.

Custom Report Examples Below

These are just a handful of custom reports that have been built in the past. Each report is custom developed based on customer requirements. If the data is accessible and the report is technically possible to build - then we can build it.

Customer Lifetime Value - Monthly Interval

Future Payment Plan Revenue by Week

Subscription Cancellation Tracking

Company Sales and Stats

Daily Sales For Specific Products

Sales Rep Conversion Percentage

Subscription and Revenue Dashboard

ROI By Lead Source and Tags

Revenue by Product Categories

Repeat Customers by Month

Sales and Refunds by Owner

Payment Plan Projections by Product Category

Custom ROI Report

Lead Source Conversion Rate

Sales by City and State

Days Until Conversion

Get Started Today

Custom Automated Reports